March 7, 2009

From the bedroom window

The March snow melts away
the late winter gloom-
The pear tree in the back bursts
into a snow-white bloom.
Pure! Perfect! Pristine!

It's still chilly but
Spring is here for sure.
Birds have returned to my yard this morn -
The Blue Jay, the Robin and the Swallow too
to sing for a little girl like you.
Their incessant chirps fill my heart with joy
A happiness only you can bring!

Soon the daisies will be here -
Filling our gardens far and near.
Aren't they pure and lovely?
They are - just like you.

Blogger's note: this was written for a little girl, my niece, in India who is going to celebrate the first important milestone of her life - Annaprashan or Rice Eating Ceremony after which she will start eating solid food. It is a big part of our tradition and culture.

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